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Chinese translation for "imaging modality"


Related Translations:
modality:  n.形态,样式,方式;【数学】模态;【逻辑学】程式;感觉道〔如视觉道〕;物理疗法。
modalities:  模式
special modality:  特定通道
taste modalities:  味觉范畴
bi modality:  双通道
series modality:  序列形态
output modalities:  输出模态
deontic modality:  义务情态
stimulus modality:  刺激模式
contiguous modality:  接触性感觉样式
Example Sentences:
1.Value of functional imaging modalities in radiation treatment planning of brain gliomas
2.It has particular advantage in such cases when the traditional transmitted radiation imaging modality fails
3.Meanwhile , we put forward symmetric correction to resolve inherent error cumulation of point - by - point imaging modality
4.With rapid advances in medical imaging modalities and volume visualization techniques , computer - based diagnosis is fast becoming a reality
5.Charts were analyzed to record the presenting symptoms , image modality used , tumor stage , tumor size , local tumor recurrence or distant metastasis , and outcome
6.Conclusions : with the widespread use of non - invasive image modalities , the detection of smaller , lower - stage renal tumors will significantly improve the outcome of this disease
7.Owing to the fact that the functional information of tissues is directly related to the optical parameters reconstructed , ot is a functional imaging modality for biomedical purpose
8.Optical tomography ( ot ) is an imaging modality with the near infrared light as sources for the optical parameters such as the scattering and absorption coefficients of tissues
9.Medical students and doctors learn to examine the human body through many different imaging modalities , which facilitate them to inspect the internal structure of human bodies
10.In addition , since pet is a noninvasive and whole - body imaging modality that can detect both regional lymph node and distant organ metastases , it may be clinically useful in the staging of high - risk scc patients
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